senior high

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senior high

更新时间:2025-03-11 00:26:24
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senior high的解释

1. Tang was a secret admirer of his Chinese teacher ever since he was a grade two student in senior high school.

2. Pan started eating glass when he was a grade two student in senior high school.

3. Friends say she is a 2002 graduate of Eagle Valley Senior High School, a cheerleader and a talented piano player who sang in the choir.

4. Some other schools have cut the PE classes off the curricular for the graduating senior high class.

5. A high school senior who risked his life to save a classmate from being hit by a lorry on Nov 3 remained in serious condition.

6. Senior Party leaders Li Changchun and Liu Yunshan sent congratulation letters to praise the publisher's achievements and said that they have high expectations.

7. Researchers have found the death rate among the newly widowed elderly is seven times as high as the normal death rate for senior citizens.

8. Authorities from Peking University do claim that any senior high school headmaster found cheating will be deprived of the right to nominate students for good.

9. Analysts say internal disagreements between foreigners and the Chinese caused the fall, and one of the telling signs of disarray was the high turnover of senior staff.

10. He's son had given the phones to a senior high school dropout in exchange for protection.

senior high什么意思

1. In senior high school, I only have one aim, and that is to go to a good university.

2. When I was twele years old, I became a student of a senior high school.

3. A group of advanced production equipment and high-quality management personnel, set design, which integrates marketing, professional production of stainless steel magnetized Senior Cup, vacuum Cup series fine, stainless steel cutlery products.


4. Sporting News - Prom night is an over-valued high school experience, but try telling that to a senior.

5. Article 2 The primary candidates of high academic level overseas personnel shoaled abroad that this Municipality is to introduce are: senior engineers and technicians and senior operation and management personnel much needed for the field of high and new technology, pillar industries, major engineering, new industry and so forth; bellwethers in a certain world`s field of a certain discipline or technology; personnel possessing patent, invention or know-how of world`s leading level or being a gap science and technology of our country which is in urgent need of being filled; personnel necessary to the administrative departments and suitable to be advisers or to be engaged in consulting work; personnel having earned a doctor`s degree in the field of urgently wanting specialty.
第二条 本市引进海外高层次留学人员的重点对象是:高新技术、支柱产业、重大工程、新兴产业等领域所急需的高级工程技术人员和高级经营管理人员;在国际某一学科或技术领域内的带头人;拥有专利、发明或专有技术并属国际领先水平或填补国内急需填补的空白项目的人员;为行政管理部门所需,适宜担任顾问或从事咨询工作的人员;在紧缺专业领域取得博士学位的人员等。


6. Companies with high hardness of high-strength martensitic stainless steel (SUS410) self-tapping screws, drill attack since the end of a screw-based products, the products are widely applied to: 1, stainless steel plate, metal plate, galvanized steel, and other works of installation 2. Metal curtain walls, light metal compartment, and other indoor and outdoor installation, 3, the general angle, channel, monolithic and other metal materials with installation, 4, shipbuilding, auto body motorcycle, containers, outdoor air-conditioning refrigeration equipment, senior home Electrical appliances, and other assembly works.
公司以高硬度高强度马氏体不锈钢(SUS410)自攻螺钉、钻尾自攻螺钉为主打产品,该产品广泛适用于:1、不锈钢板、金属钢板、镀锌钢板等的工程安装; 2、金属帷幕墙、金属轻隔间等室内外安装; 3、一般角钢、槽钢、铁板与其他金属材料结合安装; 4、造船业、摩托车汽车车体、货柜箱、室外空调冷冻设备、高级家用电器等组装工程。

7. senior high的解释

7. A: No, I`m in senior high.

8. However, if you study hard at senior high school, you may be successful.

9. When I was twelve years old, I became a student of a senior high school.

10. We have to learn and learn, until we have entered a good senior high school.

11. senior high是什么意思

11. I`m in tenth grade in Senior High school.

12. Today is my first day at Senior High school and I`m writing down my thoughts about it.

13. senior high是什么意思

13. There''''s a group of high-level, high-quality technicians and senior management, they will use advanced technology and management system introduced to the concrete mixing transmission equipment on board the series: Vice-car beam, the mixing tube [6m3, 7m3, 8m3, 9m3, 10m3, 11m3, 12m3, 14m3], water tanks, round up, into the hopper and tank discharge, under take-off and landing, the chute, and other accessories mixer coat.

14. Its products mainly include: the High Au-Mongolian glass, Frosted glass, carved mirror, glass curtain wall, vacuum aluminum mirrors, senior silver mirror, mirror tea, gray mirror, green mirror, gold mirror, black mirror, red mirror, Ford Blue microscopy.

15. Methods An anonymous questionnaire survey was conducted among 2756 first-grade and second-grade students from six senior high schools(including 2 key schools, 2 general schools, and 2 vocational schools) in Zhengzhou City and Xinyang City of Henan Province selected by stratified...

16. senior high的反义词

16. Old Lang God, a senior - have an old troupe portraits, the texture Banchi wide foot-long Huang Juan, there is one or two of about a foot high wooden man.

17. senior high什么意思

17. His title is so high, that his master belongs to either Taoist trinity(Supreme Laojun, Primitive Heaven Senior, Lingbao Taoist), or the rank of Daoist Immortal.

18. LU Hong our senior high-pressure boiler tubes experts recently learned from the Iron and Steel, Baoshan Iron and Steel in September the second batch of product prices has been introduced: the cold hot-rolled products, hot-dip galvanizing, tons of other products were generally upward price 600 yuan.

19. senior high在线翻译

19. The company gathered a number of excellent management and professional technical staff, now has a number of manufacturers Senior Engineer Certification, and have independent design and is responsible for a larger network of systems integration projects, the company has a complete set of its own management and business model, the formation of a young and rich potential of high-tech companies.

20. S High school: Elected to enter the NBA directly from high school, becoming the first-ever player in Los Angeles franchise history to make this transition … Became the 27th player to make the jump from high school to the NBA and one of two players to do so in the 1996 NBA Draft (Jermaine O`Neal)… Concluded his high school career as the all-time leading scorer in Southeastern Pennsylvania history (2, 883 points), surpassing the marks established by Hall of Famer Wilt Chamberlain (2, 359) and Carlin Warley (2, 441)… Earned USA Today`s National High School Player of the Year honors as a senior (1995-96), averaging 30.8 points, 12.0 rebounds, 6.5 assists, 4.0 steals and 3.8 blocked shots … Led Lower Merion to the Class AAAA state title as a senior, propelling the Aces to a 31-3 record, including a 27-game winning streak to end the season … Named Naismith High School Player of the Year, Gatorade Circle of Champions High School Player of the Year and to the McDonald`s All-American Team … Named Most Outstanding Player at the Beach Ball Classic in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina his senior year … Led Lower Merion to a 77-13 record his final three seasons … Named the Most Valuable Player of the 1995 adidas ABCD Summer Camp.
高 中:在读高中的时候便通过选秀直接进入 NBA······通过交易成为湖人队历史上第一位高中生直接进入N BA 的球员·······这是NBA历史上第27位直接从高中进入NBA的球员···也是1996年的新秀中唯一2位高中生之一·····还有一位就是··以2883分结束了他的高中职业生涯···这个分数是在宾夕法尼亚州东南方得分最高的·····超过了名人堂球员维尔特张伯伦原有的2359 分和卡林沃利的2441分······在高二(1995-96)是全美国最杰出的高中生球员······场均拿下30.8分··12.0个篮板···6.5次助攻··4.0次抢断````和3.8次盖帽·······作为高二的学生··带领马里昂高中以创记录的31胜3负的战绩拿下州Class AAAA的冠军····包括赛季最后的 27 场连胜·······被评为史密斯年度最有价值的高中生··拿下年度高中Gatorade Circle联赛的冠军·······然后入选麦当劳全美国队·······他高二的时候在南卡罗来 Myrtle 海滩的一流沙滩球比赛中被评··最杰出的球员····在他职业生涯的3个赛季里率领马里昂高中打出77胜13负的战绩····在1995年阿迪达斯ABCD夏季训练营中被评为最有价值球员···+aJ%pb j%Z;Uu

  • 近义词
  • 临近词
The same is true for senior high school entrance exams.(高中入学考试的情况也是如此。)
Everyone is looking forward to the senior high PROM.(每个人都在期待高中的毕业舞会。)
As a student of Senior high, I can do my own part.(作为一名高中生,我可以做我自己的一部分。)
Before the end of her senior high school year, she was accepted to Parsons school of Design in New York.(高中毕业前,她就被纽约的帕森设计学院录取。)
As a teenager he attended Tulse Hill Senior High School.(十几岁时,他上了塔尔斯山高级中学。)
Early Yin senior high school we longed to be enrolled in a university.(早在高中时我们渴望成为就读于一所大学。)
I will be no more a senior high school student come next July.(当明年七月来到时,我就不再是高中生了。)
When my college life begins, I feel it is quite different from senior high school life.(当我的大学生活的开始,我觉得这是完全不同于高中生活的。)
Does your son study at a junior high school or a senior high school?(你儿子是读初中还是高中?)
I'm looking forward to going to senior high school.(我盼望着上高中。)
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